A garden is a love song, a duet betweena human being and Mother Nature.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Vegetable Patch and Gnome

Carrie, Carrie quite contrary (I really don't think I'm contrary) how does your garden grow....
With Marigolds...
And Pink Geraniums...
and pretty Impatient all in a row...

Well I am doing fairly well with my fight against the darn white flies...
You can see my fly bag hanging on my garden bed...And it seems to be doing its job. I hate to resort to such tact's but they left me no choice. Out of seven tomato plants two survived without so much as a sniff from those little beast.
Here are my two survivors they are making promises of the first tomato sandwiches of the year...bless them. I had to buy tomato plants from the nursery along with two peppers that had been attacked as well.
The cucumbers made it through fine...in fact we replace the beans we lost with more cucumbers...now the cucumbers are acting up and not producing flowers...I'm gonna have to investigate that. I am looking forward to a batch of Nana's bread and butter pickles. One is still producing though...I told it that it was my favorite and Nana would be so proud.
I have also thrown in some photos of the front beds for good measure..as well as my bear on a chair. Can you see my Christmas Cactus's they are doing so well. I look forward to there performance every winter. Such a bold show they put on.
Bears close up...he says his left side is his best
Remember the pot tower?
Well I added a little gnome, he helps keep the soil from spilling over the edge of the pot. He looks rather indignant about the whole thing.
OK last one, I promise. But just look at my succulents, no not that blade of grass that I need to pull...this stacked pot display has done me proud. I stuffed it full and they are just brimming over the sides. I wonder if I should bring it in during the winter in the south? Dose anyone know?
Thanks for stopping in and waking around the garden...stop back for a tomato sandwich and some ice tea.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How To Get Rid of White Flies


I am not going to take it anymore! They have taken over my tomatoes, peppers, beans and eggplant...NO MORE!
I have added another sprayer to my arsenal to fill will a concoction that will help in my efforts. (I also have one for my friend as well...loaded and ready)
For all those who are suffering from these terrible little buggers here is a plan of action.

1. Set the sprayer to jet and shoot the underside of your plants...this knocks them off.

2. Hang fly paper around your plants. The adults are attracted to them...if you can get rid of the adults you will only have the eggs left to deal with.

3. Mix the following spray and spray the underside of the leaves. You must spray the bugs directly or it wont have an effect.

I will be repeating this action several times over the next few weeks. Then I am thinking...though I am not to sure about this. Doing an oil spray to coat the plant to protect it...I don't know if this will work but I thought I might give it a shot.

Has anyone had any luck fighting these things? I sure would like to hear what you have to say.

White Fly Cocktail
1 Gallon Water
2 t Baking Soda
2 t Dish Soap
2 t White Vinegar

Spray plants 2-3 times a week in the cool part of the day.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Square Foot Gardening _Update

We have had some misshapes with a virus that took our tomato's and beans. The only thing to do was pull them.

The Cucumber are doing GREAT...so we decided to plant more of those and go into a pickle frenzy.

As the side pockets were emptied the kids and I filled them with flowers...we just love our little side pockets.

We are going to fill in where we pulled the spinach with more beets...yum.
The basil is doing great too...we have been yumming up pesto and preserving some as well. There is nothing like the sweet smell of basil.